
Posts Tagged ‘QuickBooks Report Writer’


January 23, 2013 Leave a comment

QODBC is a product from FLEXquarters that provides a data connection to QuickBooks.  They do this by providing an ODBC connection with their driver that makes reading and writing data to QuickBooks easy.   From the standpoint of Sunset Reports, we are only interested in reading the QuickBooks data.  If you have QuickBooks and QODBC installed, you are ready to connect and start creating your custom reports with Sunset Reports.  Even though QuickBooks has it’s own reports, you want to look at this option for the following reasons:

  1. Create your own custom reports
  2. Create reports not provided by QuickBooks
  3. Connect to more than one QuickBooks file and create reports for multiple companies
  4. Show multicompany data on the same report
  5. Use the tools available in Sunset Reports to create reports you could not create in QuickBooks (Charts, Gauges, Pivot Tables, Images, etc.)
  6. Use the features of Sunset Reports for Report Distribution

In several followup posts, you will see some examples of how you can use Sunset Reports with QODBC.

If you are ready to get started and have Sunset Reports, then refer to this link to understand the QODBC connection so you can create your data sources.   QODBC Technical Reference


QuickBooks and CleverQ

January 5, 2013 Leave a comment

Intuit has provided an ODBC source called QODBC which is a data source interface to Quickbooks.   With this ODBC interface you can extract data from Quickbooks allowing reports and other information gathering applications to use the data.   A version of Sunset Reports is included in a product called CleverQ which can extract Quickbooks data in a different way and can provide dashboards, gauges, scorecards, charts, reports, and more.   It can also import data from Microsoft Excel, Access, and other compliant ODBC databases.  Click HERE to find out more.